PixelFish Club
Join us on Discord!

A No B.S. Survival Multi-Player Minecraft Experience!

The Pixelfish Club is a Minecraft gaming community that offers both Vanilla and Modded SMP experiences. Our Vanilla server offers enhanced gameplay using multiple worlds and game modes to play in, an active economy and unpaid protected claims.

Vanilla Server

0 players currently online (Max 50).

Modded Server

0 players currently online (Max 50).

Member Rules

A Mature Environment - Not for young Children

The rules are simple. Unlike other servers, we pride ourselves on offering a mature gameplay experience that isn't overly restrictive. There are, however, a few rules our members will be expected to abide by if they want to keep from getting kicked. Joining this server requires acknowledgement and agreement of the following:

  • Blaze Powder Profanity is allowed in moderation.
  • Blaze Powder Hate speech will not be tolerated - respect other players.
  • Blaze Powder Offensive builds will not be tolerated - again, respect other players.
  • Blaze Powder Griefing unprotected property is discouraged.
  • Blaze Powder Destroying or intentionally defacing the map is not allowed.
  • Blaze Powder Large, out of place builds are highly discouraged i.e. Pokemon - keep it realistic to the best of your ability.
  • Blaze Powder Do not spam chat with advertisements for other servers or sites.
  • Blaze Powder Do not use hacked/enhanced clients - cheating will not be tolerated.
  • Blaze Powder Do not bug Admins or Mods to rank you up or give you OP status.
  • Blaze Powder Do not reveal personal info about yourself. Seriously. It's your life.
  • Blaze Powder Do not spam thousands of entities. Entities equal lag, and unreasonably large amounts affect server TPS.
  • Blaze Powder Do not bug other players to spoon-feed you game info or give you items.

This list not all-inclusive. If you are warned in-game by staff to stop, and you refuse, you will get kicked. Plain and simple. No backsies. Report all serious violations or concerns to staff. Staff will take immediate action to throw garbage bags off this server. We do not do temp bans here.

Jail Time is a Warning

Failure to abide by the above rules will land you in Jail. Continued bad behavior will result in a permanent ban, no questions asked. We like to play the game, so don't ruin it for everyone else.

Donations Help

Donations Help Us Thrive

There are no pay to win perks on this server, but if you like the community and would like to help pay the hosting bills, by all means!

Emerald Donate Diamond Become a VIP
