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Official Modpack Info

Here to learn more about the pack we use? It's a custom pack, developed for our own community!

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A Modded Enhanced Vanilla Gameplay Experience!


More Lore is a carefully curated, custom modpack that sticks close to vanilla gameplay while enhancing the Minecraft experience.

Community driven

Our community is the driving force and active creator of all in-game locations and dynamic systems such as the economy.

Long-term Commitment

Since we started using our own pack, you can expect future map changes to be consistent and in-line with our community's voice.

Expect a Challenge

More Lore is a challenging pack! This is not that same relaxing experience as vanilla Minecraft! If you want a more chill experience, check out our main vanilla Paper server.

Version Management

We try to keep releases consistent. We weigh our decision to update the pack and server based on major changelog items and how they might impact our players and the world.

Same Rules

The same rules apply here as they do in the main server. Just because you can do more in modded Minecraft that doesn't mean you should! Read rules.

A Pure Enhanced Vanilla Experience

We do our best to offer a fresh, but faithful enhanced vanilla experience. There are no homes, warps or teleport commands outside the built-in Waystones mod. Since this is a community-driven project, we welcome player feedback. Your voice matters!

Give Feedback


We just opened the map for our new More Lore server, so expect a whole bunch of cool stuff to pop up here soon. until then, be sure to check out the map to see all the cool stuff our community has made.


Most of the commands have corresponding menus and keybinds and we highly recommend you use the integrated GUIs before getting frustrated with the commands. However, the list is below is provided for the more adventurous of you.

Essential Server Commands

*[] indicates a required variable

Command Description
/help Will give you a list of commands. Some commands are only for Staff and OPs.
/deathcounter {optional player name} With no arguments will display your number of deaths. When adding a playername, you will see how many times they have died.
/msg [player] [message] Will send a message to the selected player
/openpac player-config [get|help|reset|set|sub] [target property] Another way, aside from the built in GUI, to set your Open Parties and Claims player configuration values.
/openpac-parties [acount|create|join] Will allow you to create your own party (you must do this first if you want to give players permissions in your claim) or join another player's party. You can only belong to one party at a time!
/openpac-claims [about|claim|forceload|non-ally-mode|sub-claim|unclaim|un-forceload] Provides a command line way to handle your claims in the current chunk you are standing in. It is highly recommended to use the integrated Map claim tool vs this one.
/tell [player] [message] Will send a message to the selected player. Same as above.
/back Will warp you back to the last location before you teleported. Noble and Above can use to teleport to place of death.

Diamond & Player-Driven Economy

The Economy in our More Lore server revolves around the Diamond. However, you can open up your own player shops where you want in the world using the Shoppy mod's Bartering Station. You will need to make sure you craft the Bartering Station and not the Shop Block. We do not use the built-in "fake" currency by default, but we may integrate it in the future.

Bartering Station

Owner's View

Bartering Station customer view

Customer's View

Bartering Station owner view

Claiming Land

Claiming is done by chunks. Every player receives 500 chunks by default and of those, only 10 can be marked for forced-loading (for now) which will keep the chunks loaded while you are online. The easiest way to claim chunks is to open the map by using the M key bind. You can select a chunk on your world map, right click, and select claim. You should see it highlighted on your map. To configure your claim's options, you can open the Open Parties and Claims menu by clicking the ' key. For more info, check out the link below:

Learn more about claims
