PixelFish Club
Join us on Discord!
AnarchyOf5 Avatar



DaisyMae00 Avatar



simonx23 Avatar


Admin | Website Maintainer

aaliyah22 Avatar


Beta-tester | Content Creator

Staff Appointment Process

Staff are selected based on a couple of simple factors. Gameplay time, dedication to the game and community, and maturity in public discourse. Asking to be appointed to a staff position will likely put you at the bottom of the list. Staff are selected by the Owner or by appointed staff with a final approval by the Owner. The goal is to get staff who genuinely love the game and have the time and knowledge level required to handle player issues.

Report Abuse

You can report player abuse and/or bad behavior here or in game. Abuse tickets will receive maximum priority.


Let us know how we can make the server and community better. Your suggestions matter here!

Ticket System

You can create a ticket in game using commands. To open the interface type /tickets create in chat.
